We’re looking for two new members to join our Trustee Board, which is responsible for overseeing the running of the University of Manchester Superannuation Scheme (UMSS or the Scheme). Could this be you?
We want our Trustee Board to be representative of the diverse members we have and we’re looking for fresh voices to join us as Member Nominated Directors (MNDs). Like us, you’ll be committed to acting in the best interests of our members.
Who can apply?
We’re inviting active and deferred members to apply.
We welcome applications from all sections of the membership regardless of age, sex, gender (or gender identity), ethnicity, disability and sexual orientation.
There are two positions available.
What does an MND do?
An MND sits on the Trustee Board, which is responsible for overseeing the running of the Scheme and safeguarding it on behalf of its members.
Alongside the Scheme’s advisers and administrators, the Trustee Board makes sure that contributions are made to the Scheme, that its assets are carefully invested, and that members’ and beneficiaries’ benefits are paid correctly and on time.
To do this, an MND’s main duties are to ensure that:
- UMSS is run in line with its rules and current pension legislation and regulations.
- Proper records for UMSS are kept.
- Members’ benefits are invested appropriately and are held as securely as possible.
- Members are communicated with regularly and effectively about the benefits they are entitled to and about how UMSS is run.
MNDs are also required to act impartially, in good faith and in the interest of all members.
Want to find out more? Read about the experience of current Trustees Paul and Tom.
What support will you receive as an MND?
You don’t need to be a ready-made pensions expert – we’ll provide you with all the training you need.
If you’re employed by the University of Manchester, you’ll also be able to take reasonable time off work to attend meetings and training.
What does a Trustee meeting involve?
Typical meetings involve approving minutes from the previous meeting and reviewing updates from the Trustee’s sub-committees. Other regular agenda items include discussing the Annual Report and Accounts, adviser reviews and updates on pension-related legislation and case law.
You’ll need to attend at least four Trustee meetings a year – these normally last around three hours in a normal working day and are a mixture of in-person, hybrid and online meetings.
If you volunteer for any sub-committees, you should expect to attend an additional two or three meetings a year. You’ll also occasionally need to attend other meetings and training seminars.
How can you find out more?
The Pensions Regulator has more information about the roles and responsibilities of trustees and trustee directors.
How to apply
Simply complete a Nomination Form and return it to us by Friday 17 May 2024. You’ll be asked to outline why you think that you’re suitable for the role on the Form.
Nominations no longer need to be supported by other members.
When all applications have been considered, if you’re still interested in the role, you’ll be invited to attend a more formal meeting with the selection panel.
Talk to us about applying
Previous MNDs have found it really useful to ask questions about the role.
If you’d like to apply, we can arrange a virtual meeting with an existing Trustee where you can ask any questions you might have. You can email the Pensions Office at umss@manchester.ac.uk to arrange a suitable time.
Find out more
You can see who’s on the current Trustee Board and the MND Policy Notice is also available which explains the MND arrangements as well as the nominations and selection process in full.